Happy Birthday, Lucia, X-mas lunch and Happy Birthday again!

December 12th Emzz turned 20, happy birthday to her!
We celebrated with a ceilidh and a burger and we had a really good time.
Then it became December 13th and the Swedish girls had decided to bring our Lucia-tradition to this grey country.
I think the other guests and the staff at Murrayfield bar enjoyed it as well :)
After our beautiful songs (A) it was time for the Christmas lunch and Secret Santa! It was really nice.After this lovely lunch we sang for Kristinas family and then it was time to get home and get some rest before the big birthday-party. We had great fun and my actual birthday December 14th was a bit more quiet with a hungover gingerbread latte and evening nachos with Inga.

Well well

Apparently it's dangerous to visit your own blog on other peoples computers, or I could just blame myself for not logging off properly.
Anyway, we're thanking Antonia for her violation ;) and thank the Gods that it wasn't someone evil who shanghaied my account x)

So, Friday night was supposed to be one of those lazy, do-nothing-but-sit-in-front-of-the-tv-evening. Antonia was babysitting and had asked me over. So I went over to her place in my comfy clothes looking like something the cat had dragged in, when she says; Do you mind if we're going out tonight?

A bottle of wine later and a borrowed top from Antonia (No we did not just leave the kid, the mum came home) we were on the bus on our way to Walkabout. I must say I had a really good time, even though a quiet home-video-evening would have saved my poor wallet a couple of pound x)


okey, I know this is bad behavior big time but I could simply not resist it. What am I talking about? First I'll make this clear, it's not Malin talking. I made you curious eey. I'm sneaky so I will not tell you yet.

I mean since there hasn't been some action here for a while I thought I better make something happen because I can tell you that Malin and I had some big time action on Friday. She sure can shake her booty! But she can tell you all about that another time, I'll expect her to do the blogging next time. All right all right I'll tell you, it's Antonia. I'm an au pair as well and Malin came over to me and stole my computer on Friday while I were having a shower. So when I was supposed to sign in on my blog-account Malins turned up instead. Heheheh. So now I'm blog-attacking hers! Hurray.

Malin, keep up your blogging will you know!!!

With love / Antonia (you can find me here)

The last perfect person got nailed to a cross

When I woke up this morning I decided that today will be one of those days when you do nothing. Then I got a text from Antonia asking (or telling) me if I was coming to the swimming pool. It's a good thing when you're not alone doing things like this, because you have others to make sure that you actually do it.

After our swimming session Antonia persuaded me to go home with her to have a cup of hot chocolate. That was also really nice.
After have dropped Antonia and Tom, the boy she looks after, at Prince's street I went Christmas shopping.

On Morningside there is a lovely little shop called "The Fool". They sell charms and crystals and incense and cool clothes and books about witch-craft and all kind of nice things. The shop is owned by a older couple and they are so sweet! I really love this kind of shops, and I told the lady that I can stay in those kind of places for ages. The man then said that I'm welcome at any time and that it is a great place to hang out in. It was really nice.
They asked me about my accent and was very delighted to here that I was from Sweden and wondered why I was here. I said that I work as an au-pair and we started to discuss it. I like it in my family even though thw chilrden can be a pain in the ass from time to time and I get along very well with my hostmum, which i belive is essetial. I told them that some of the girls I got to know here have had to switch familys beacuse they couldn't get along and we agreed that most of the girls here do the best they can in their jobs, but we're all young and I said that no one is perfect. The man then said something that I think is veery vice;
"The last perfect person got nailed to a cross, you wouldn't want to be perfect."
I'm not religious but I got his point.
Anyhow, it was a nice chat.

First of advent

Today is the first of advent, Christmas is coming closer. There is not a single candle holder in the windows! How is a person supposed to get into Christmas mood when all the windows are dark and empty?

Yesterday was St Andrews day so the castle has been free to visit all weekend, so today Emzz, Terese and I spend the day at the castle, well done us!

It's getting colder as well, I spend the night with Terese Friday - Saturday and shared bed with Emzz Saturday - Sunday. It was warm and cosy, how am I supposed to be able to sleep tonight?

We saw a movie yesterday night, Initial D. It's a Japanese/Chinese (there's a difference, I know. It IS a mixture between Japanese and Chinese). It's a live-action from the manga with the same name and is what's inspired The fast and the furious-movies. It was good :P

On the top of the mountain

I saw snow today! On the top of the hills that makes my background scenario! Lovely! Last Saturday (which was Inga and Weronica's b-day) was the first time I saw snow here. Going home 4 in the morning and the air was lovely white! I like snow, even though I had to take my bike to school every winter. This winter I'll take the bus, and I won't see that much snow. Hum. Anyway. Today is Kristina's b-day, to bad my period decided to come "right on time". Well, I will try my best not to spoil the fun for everyone and stick to diet coke :)
Time to do some work!

X-mas market

Today was the day that the Edinburgh Christmas market opened. They have a German market in Prince's street gardens and a small amusement park. The Merry-go-round looks really pretty, and the market is full of tawdry and German food. I had promised myself not to put a foot in there before the 1st of December. If it wasn't for my dear Antonia, I would have kept that promise.
But, as Antonia is Antonia, it's impossible to be mad at her, so until Monday, I'm just gonna pretend that this didn't happen, and then go there again on Tuesday and fully enjoy myself. We will probably go ice-skating in the park on Tuesday as well, yay! And I'm so gonna wear a helmet. Better safe than sorry ^^


Are you always late? Do you have a hard time to get up in the morning? Is "going to bed" a unfamiliar phrase to you? Then I have the perfect solution for you! The zAp-Watch!™. The zAp-Watch!™ is unlike any other watch you've ever had! With it's 10 different programmable options you can bring discipline into your life! The alarm tells you to wake up or remember to be on time to your appointments as any other alarmwatch. But if you oversleep or are late, this wristwatch gives you an electrical shock as punishment! Never again shall time be something you take lightly!

Yup, this is what Aurelie and I came up with on our English class today. Sounds like a good idea? I know I could need one xD


I've made a lot of enemies here. It's true. I say things that upsets people. The reason they upset people is because they know that what I say is the truth but they don't want to see it.

So, what did I say?

Christmas sucks.

Oh, are you also upset know? Well, IT DOES!

You have to make a list over things you want and force it on to people you like and make them feel guilty because they can't get you what you want. Then YOU have to make a list of people YOU like and decide what to get them, on their list or not. And everywhere the shops are screaming out BUY THIS and THIS and THIS! But it's even worse that they start to put out the Christmas-decorations in August.
Yes, I saw them in August. Uack!
Seriously, Christmas is old news before it even started!

So this is why people get upset. I have no regrets!

The good thing is that most of them likes me anyway, even though I'm their enemy in the Christmas spirit.

But hey, do not despair! I will join you in your hysteria as soon as the month is over and turns into December, I promise.

Pudding is meant to be messy! (Or being an au-pair is the best contraception)

I was going to write here, but my mood is so bad that it will only be a lot of whining, so I'm saving it for a better mood.

Good Girl 8)

I've been a good girl. A very good girl actually.
People who knows me (and you just keep on growing in number :D) know that it takes time for me to do stuff. I can say "Ah, I'm gonna do that" and "Oh, I wanna do this", and then it actually takes ages for me to do it, if it happens at all. Before I went to Edinburgh (lovely place) I said that I was going to start swimming at least once a week. Well, now I've been here for three months (Gosh, already?!) and I've finally dragged my ass to the swimming pool! It's lovely, and my play date Antonia made everything even more fun!
And while we're talking about my ass, I've finally bought myself not one, but two pair of jeans! Following dear Inga and Antonias advice to buy some trousers that actually fits me and shows my gorgeous figure ;P Well well, they do make me look like I've lost a couple of pounds, thanks for that girls!
And I can see the carpet in my room again! It's green! I'm a messy person, not disgusting messy but very untidy messy. I don't mind if it is chaos around me, but it comes to a point where even I think that it's defenitly time to do something about it. So I've tidied and hoovered my room!
I've also started to take care of my health in another way. I went to the doctor today! A lot's of questions about my diabetes, I don't even know the medical terms in Swedish XD. And then Dr Marshall wanted to take some blood samples. I'm not afraid of needles so I didn't protest. In Sweden you never get so actually see the needle, and you do actually disinfect the area where you're going to use it..? Ah well, I survived :D

Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

Finally Friday

Yup, so does the Friday appears to us again with great promises about a great weekend. Lovely ^^
Could have had a better dinner this evening though, baked beans and pasta isn't that high on my list of favourite food. But hey, it's food.

So, plans for the weekend? I'm not much of a planner, honestly, but there is a Ceilidh tonight.
Nah, that's not fair...

It's a ceilidh tonight! It will be really fun (as my English teacher taught me last Wednesday, will does not have the same meaning as shall or going to. Will means more that it probably is going to be a good evening. Will is also a very pretty boy's name, if you ask me =P)
For those of you who don't know what a ceilidh is; Scottish country music, men in kilts, lovely atmosphere and dances that are so wild that you sweat a river. But it's fun :D


Since my dear friend Antonia (http://antoniasadventure.blogspot.com/) have announced to the world that this blogg now exist, I guess have no choice but to be a good girl and actually use it.


I'm been a good girl today. Decided to keep the promise I made to myself before I came here that I would start swimming. Took me two and a half month but hey! No surprise there, it is me we're talking about ;P

Gosh, and I've almost finished my book! The twilight saga by Stephenie Meyer. Haven't read it? When do so, 'cause it's really good! Well, kinda annoying from time to time but hey, we're dealing with teenage vampires and werewolfs here!

Read it!

Picture from Wikipedia

Test :O


Let's see if we can make a blogg layout that we want to be associated with ous 8)

Yeah right... Good luck with that >.<'

Mesa want emzz-skills ;_;