Well well

Apparently it's dangerous to visit your own blog on other peoples computers, or I could just blame myself for not logging off properly.
Anyway, we're thanking Antonia for her violation ;) and thank the Gods that it wasn't someone evil who shanghaied my account x)

So, Friday night was supposed to be one of those lazy, do-nothing-but-sit-in-front-of-the-tv-evening. Antonia was babysitting and had asked me over. So I went over to her place in my comfy clothes looking like something the cat had dragged in, when she says; Do you mind if we're going out tonight?

A bottle of wine later and a borrowed top from Antonia (No we did not just leave the kid, the mum came home) we were on the bus on our way to Walkabout. I must say I had a really good time, even though a quiet home-video-evening would have saved my poor wallet a couple of pound x)

1 kommentarer:


10 december 2008 kl. 03:50

Sounds like you had some great time! So when are you going to be visiting us poor deprived people in America? 8^)