On the top of the mountain

I saw snow today! On the top of the hills that makes my background scenario! Lovely! Last Saturday (which was Inga and Weronica's b-day) was the first time I saw snow here. Going home 4 in the morning and the air was lovely white! I like snow, even though I had to take my bike to school every winter. This winter I'll take the bus, and I won't see that much snow. Hum. Anyway. Today is Kristina's b-day, to bad my period decided to come "right on time". Well, I will try my best not to spoil the fun for everyone and stick to diet coke :)
Time to do some work!

1 kommentarer:


30 november 2008 kl. 06:18

That's lovely... Well, the town I live is known for the wicked amount of snow it gets every winter (because of the lake located North of the city). I would've thought I'd get used to getting snowed by now, since this is my 3rd year being here... :/