III Advent

3rd of advent, Lucia.
And tomorrow I'm.....



II Advent

Ok, 2nd of advent was yesterday but hey, better late then never =)
I'm home in Vetlanda for a while, arrived on Wednesday and will go back to Växjö tomorrow. It's been really nice. Met Ulrika for the first time in a long time ^^

Bla bla bla... The schoolwork I was supposed to do has been postponed... Not so good x)


I Advent

Things is starting to settled for christmas. I cleaned parts of the flat yesterday, first christmaspresent is wrapped. A little bit of snow wouldnt be wrong. The christmas music is flowing out of the speakers.
I’m sitting here chattin to a guy who lives in Scotland. And_I_really_want_ to_get_back_ there. I miss walking up Northbridge in the dark. All the people on Waverleybridge. The preparations for the christmasmarket in Princesstreet gardens. Oldtown. I can still see everything so clear. And I really miss it. =( Next year, maybe I should go back there during one of the weeks in December... Yeah, that’s a good idea.


Emzz is good. Even though she's hot my cold and isn't feeling very well at the moment. But she found us a bright new, shiny obsession 8)

Samurai High School!

Recognise the pretty main character? Yes, it's Miura Haruma who played Kazama Ren in Gokusen 3. Mwihihi 83

Samurai high schools protagonist is 17 year old Mochizuki Kotaro who can't do a thing right. One day he gets obsessed by one of his ancestor, a samurai from the civil war era. The samurai, who's name also is Mochizuki Kotaro, turns Kotaros normal but dull life upside down.

And we can't forget Kotaro-donos (young master in japanese) faithful servant and friend! Nakamura Tsuyoshi, played by Shirota Yu.

This show is hilarious! And reaaly good! and full of pretty boys! And a lot of people who have an awful lot of good stuff to say!


Enjoy ;P

Time flies by

I really don't have time to sit here. So much stuff to do but no energy. I totally missed the sun today and that didn't make things better.

But I won't just complain. Yesterday my aunt and her husband came over for dinner, it was really nice. Emzz had cooked some really nice meat with potatoes and stuff. Delicious!
And after that I went over to Mira and hade a really nice time with Veronica, Emma, Erika, Nina and Sandra. A REALLY nice time. We deserved it after the week we've had. But even though it's been a lot to do, I've somehow enjoyed it. Still happy with my choice of education!

All that's left is to be better to plan my life... I've bought a new, really nice journal, with plenty of space to write stuff. IT starts in December, and I'm convinced that my life will e much better when I can start using it!

Now, back to work!


And while I'm sitting here...

It's really stressful with laundry times. You have to be in time for your time, you have to be out of the laundry room in time and there's not enough time to do two machines and dry tumble it! AND IT SUCKS!

I want a machine of my own >.>

*spoiled child*

The flat is amazing. It's huge, almost to big, we don't have furniture enough to fill it XD

And I want a hoover. And a micro. *throwing anxious looks at the oven*
A good temperature to warm deep frozen food in the oven, anyone?



I Vetlanda håller vi på att svimma,
för vi har suttit på bussen i 5,5 timma.

Väl här kommer Gud med sitt ljus,
för vi har just klivit in i hans hus.

Ja Vetlanda är stan Gud har kär,
vem fan vill bo här?

Mvh//Mira, Vevve & Bosse


(For those of you who does not understand swedish; this is a small [not so flattering] poem about my home tome that two of my classmates [and a dog] came up with while passing it through in a bus.)

Thanks for this girls xD

Study as a student? When would I have time for that ?

Uni has started for real, and I must say that I'm very happy with my program so far! It feels really motivating to do the exercises and assignments, and the literature is really interesting. Yäy!

And there is a lot of other stuff happening as well. Emzz' and I are moving to our flat next weekend and last weekend there was a P-party. Look at the pictures and you might understand why it's called that... ;P


Ok, I admit, it was ages ago since I last updated this... Heh ^^'
On the list of things that have happend we have traintrip through Europe, it was mostly fun, I was accepted to Uni and I've moved to Växjö. Where I'm sitting now in Johan's flat. Waiting for my first lecture to start. In two and a half hour.
I'm living with Emzz at my aunt's for now, we'll get our flat in October.


It will be good 8)

Heh ^^'

Lil'Sinith, back in business 8D


Lil'Sinith, a totally amazing role playing site, is back in business! After 2 years of absent the doors is once again open!

Emzz and I (Emzz has benn doing all the hard work) have been working for almost all these 2 years to get it back and running again.

And now(I feel that this is just repeating itself) it's open! Wooho!

Lil'Sinith is a post apocalyptic city role playing game with gang activities. It's the law of the jungle and the word "child" is only to determinate how old a person is.
The town Lil'Sinith located in the north of what used to be Us.
Sucky introduction, check it in here; http://lil.acornrack.com
In Swedish though... :D

Pyjama party at Inga's

Yes, we're sitting in the same kitchen, by the same table. Getting drunk on orange juice. Life rocks sometimes :D




I'm going crazy here, just so you know.

And not the funny mad man crazyness, I mean breaking down!
Stuff of a year, into a suitcase and a bag! >:O



It has now come to the final countdown. All the tickets for our trip home has been bought, we just need to look up some hostels. There is 19 days until we leave Edinburgh, we needed to change the date from the 6th to the 7th because of ticket prizes on the Eurostar, and only 8 of these days are workdays. And still, the end can't come soon enough.

Although, everything isn't crappy.
Emzz, Anna and I went on a tour in Old Town today. 3 and a half hours of walking back and forth, but it was really nice! And on Saturday we're celebrating midsummer (yes I know it's on Friday but everyone is working then so we decided to do it on Saturday instead). It doesn't feel like middle of June though, maybe it's just me with my selective memory, or maybe that this is my first year without a speech day, but it doesn't really feels like summer... Oh well =)

The end is coming!

The end is near, and it is awaited! As I said to friend who asked if I was looking forward to get back home; I can see the light in the end of the tunnel, and I'm running as hell for it!

My year here has been good, really good. I've made so many new friends and I've had loads of wonderful experiences, as well as bad ones. But at the end of the day, I don't regret for a moment that I decided to come here.

But the end is near, and even though it feels sad to leave all the good friends and this lovely town behind, I'm starting to get fed up with my occupation. One year of taking care of someone else's snotty children. And today, the end was decided!

Emzz, Kristina and I have finally decided how our journey home through Europe will look like!
Edinburgh-London-Lille the first day. The second day we will go from Lille to Brussels through Turnai and then on to Frankfurt and Vienna were we will stay one or two nights with my fathers cousin Amrei. And then from Vienna to Budapest to Prag. The last stage of our journey will be Prag-Berlin-Hamburgh-Copenhagen-Malmö-H O M E!

There will be a lot of trains, and a lot of luggage but I think that we will have a wonderful time =)
But there is some preparations that still needs to be done.

*Book the trainpass
*Book the Eurostar-ticket
*Book the hostels
*Buy a new suitcase
*Buy some travelfriendley clothing; T-shirts, shorts, a cap, sandals...

But we're getting there :D

Yes, this is a Happy Happy moment -^.^-

And last Ceilidh tomorrow, my foot is WAY better so I can dance :D


Peace out ;D


Pain in the foot, Ceilidh on Friday (not gonna happen) and were is my phone charger?
I apologize for the rudeness but


Sorry, but that's how I feel right now.


Yes, I know. It's the beginning of June, spring is long gone. But the spring of love is here!

Now, before you jump to conclusions, no, I have not found anyone. It's not that good x')

But the guy at the post-office flirts with me whenever he sees me, same goes for the guy in the Costcutter-store up the street. And the Wolf-guy haven't been able to keep his finger in check.


It is spelled F A I L U R E =)

Baking with the kids, so far so good :)

Trying this swedish cockies called Vanilla Dreams. Yummy. It's just that it's completely useless with the girls glutenfree flour :( And the Raspberry Caves were a failure as well. But it did keep the kids occupied for a while :)How Dreams are supposed to look like


Another one about periods. Yes, it's a big part of my life, how did you guess?

Well, so far it's not that bad.

And again, lucky me for having friends =)

This time all the glory goes to Misa!

Thanks for LOLCATS!

lolcats funny cat pictures


My sister had an emo-moment.
Since she doesn't like to be emo alone, she made me emo too.
Result from this;
Skracke says: WE DON'T NEED NO BOYS!
Smurfen says: Coin operated boys...

So, todays song is "Coin operated boy" by Porcelain and the Tramps


Please don't go and die

A Catholic Irish soldier stationed in Edinburgh who's been fighting in The Iraq-war and who thinks war is good because it makes heroes did not come home with me. Or I with him.
Good job! =D

Let the imagination flow!

I have to say that I think that the Swedish covers for the Harry Potter books by J.K Rowling are the most beautiful and inspiring. The artist is Alvaro Tapia and he is completely and utterly amazing, if you ask me.

Harry Potter och de Vises sten
Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone

Harry Potter och Hemligheternas kammare
Harry Potter and the Chambers of Secrets

Harry Potter och Fången från Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Prisoner from Azkaban

Harry Potter och den Flammande bägaren
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter och Fenixorden
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter och Halvblodsprinsen
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter och Dödsrelikerna
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows

To amazing friends

What can I say? The bunch of girls that I hang out with here is just amazing, and I can say that it will hurt to have to leave you all =( If I ever get another group of friends like this again I will be the happiest girl in the world.

This Friday started really good. The weather was nice, the children were actually well behaved (most of the time) and I could enjoy a play in the park with them (in only my t-shirt and up-folded jeans =D). And after they had been send of to their dad it was time to go off to Angelicas where Aurelie, Emzz and she were waiting for me with a nice taco-dinner and wine. After that we bunked ourself in the couch and ate Ben and Jerrys and watched Ouran Highscool Host Club.

Ouran Private Acadamy is defined by one; prestigious famililies, and two; wealth. And prosperous people who have much time on their hands. Therefore, this Ouran Host Club is about these hansome guys, who have time giving hospitality to these lovely ladies, who also have time. It's an elegant game unique to this super-rich school.

Then, my natural luck sets in.
My period decides that it's time to arrive. Fuck. Well, my mood is still good, I'm a bit tipsy and I've got good company, maybe it won't be to bad?

Not to begin with. Time passes by and it's actually endurable. We go to bed a couple of hours after 12 and then it starts for real. As Emzz said after we laughed at her at breakfast after she asked us if she had been snoring; "If I was snoring, you were whimpering." And I was. All the four of us were tugged down in Angelicas double bed (crowded but cosy, I love it 8P). I was between Emzz and Angelica and it was like these to were reading my mind! When my back really hurt Emzz rubbed it or came closer to warm it and when my tummy felt like someone were twisting my guts Angelica cam closer. And I had a very comforting dream about these co-operating... Well, I don't say it was a good sleep but it was one of the best I've had while having my period without access to my pills. Thank you girls!

And while we are takling about reading minds.
I think Emzz and I have spent way too much time together, since our thinking have become almost frightening sycronized Oo'

But I wouldn't want you out of my life anyway >8)

I walked into the rain

The title of a poem I'm thinking of writing, though it would be in Swedish, Jag gick in i regnet. I felt like I did that on my way home yesterday. It wasn't exactly nice and sunny, but it wasn't the feeling of rain in the air either. And all of a sudden it just started to rain and it felt like if i was to take a couple of steps back I would be able to come out of it again.


Well, I realised for real, just a couple of minutes ago that the boy really dislikes me. The feeling is almost mutual, it's hard to like someone who constantly tries to make you loose your temper but I think I'm more indifferent towards him than actual dislike. But it annoys me because I don't think it should be like that. But yet again, how is a "grown-up" supposed to react when a child asks his friend "why aren't you doing anything to her?" (in the meaning of being mean). That's bullying, and he doesn't care. At all. For me, it really doesn't matter, don't care about what he thinks about me more than it annoys me and makes my job so much harder, but he will grow up, thinking this is ok. Or knowing it's not but not care about it.
I guess I just should be happy that it's over in four months and not think about it more.

A more fun story, remember the man in the shop "The Fool" with the essence and candles and crystals and other mumbo jumbo stuff? Well, me and Inga went there yesterday and the man who owns the store (a really lovely old man) and Inga had a rather interesting conversation about magic and believing and so. It ended up with talks about acupuncture and I mentioned that i had it suggested to me as a treatment for my PMS. The man got very worked up and after finding out that I still got problems with it he dug out a special tea for me, Sage tea, and a linen tea bag.
"This is a gift. Fill the bag with one teaspoon when it's time and drink it every day. It will work!"
I was so happy =) There really is good people in the world!

Lovely sun =)

It's been a lovely warm sunny day today :D Went into to town to meet Antonia to check highland trips for my parents. They're coming during the Easter holiday and mum was a bit worried that whole Edinburgh might be closed during Good Friday (Långfredagen =P) so I went to the always so helping tourist information. Seems like all that matters here is chocolate Easter eggs. Good for us :D

Anyhow. After we've been to the tourist information we started our walk to Antonias house, interupted by a shoe-stop, a dress-stop and a croissant-stop. The Starbucks-temptation wasn't strong enough, or rather there was no place in the budget for yet another Moccha frappuchino. Antiona offered home made caffe au-lait instead (with cream whipped by me) and a lovely apple-cake. And some jumping on the trampoline.
This is where this sunny story takes a terrifying turn. She made, not one, not twice but three attempts to kill me! YES! AND I HADN'T EVEN DONE ANYTHING! Yet...
Then we got back in and started to talk about Death Note.


I said that I was really relived that Light failed in the end, because I do not approve at all of his "justice". (And I thought it was good that he died).


Antonia did not like this, and started to talk about rat poison in my pizza and other scary stuff.
We can discuss politics and not agree but when it comes to anime...
I came to the conclusion that it's dangerous to be her friend, but it's just as dangerous not to be, but a hell of a lot more boring.

Eurovision song contest

Being in another country gives you some perspective on things. In Scotland (and the rest of the UK) Eurovison song contest is a laugh. I was talking about this with my host mum and her boyfriend about this and they were laughing when I told them about how serious we take it in Sweden. Sitting here watching the Final, I'm not really sure to laugh or cry. It's usually not this bad, right? The songs are so boring, and the hostess is just crap :(

We'll see how it goes in the big competition, the girls are going to threw a Eurovision-party, lets hope it wont end in open war since we are from so many different countries ;D

What's the point?! Nothing matters if you're not beautiful!

Howl's mowing castle. Yup.

It's funny

And it's beautiful :)

See it 8P

Trust me, I'm an improviser

Don't I just love Torchwood? 8)

Jack; Will this really work?
Owen; Tust me, I'm an improviser.

So full of clichés that you can't do anything but love it 8')


Time to start to sleep alone again after ten nights of company =(

Don't get your hopes up, it's my sister who have gone home again after spending her midterm break here in Edinburgh with me. We've had a really good time. But now it's only me and my ghost left.

We were on a Ceilidh on Friday and my legs are still sore. I don't think the cold I've got is helping much either.

I would upload some pictures but I'm too lazy. I'll save it for next time...

Snow keeps fallin' on ma window...

It's snowing :D


.....* * *
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...* * * *
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Ok, a thing that haven't happend for ages...
I have no role-playing threads to answer in! Seriosly! Yesterday night I pulled myself together and answered everywhere that I was supposed to answer and even created a new thread on a whim! In two ahours at 2 in the morning! Bad thing is, I have nothing to do today :O

Well well, more to do for another day!

Emzz is here now, we're putting togehter a tight scedule for my sister who comes to visit next week! Yay!


Gokusen is a manga/anime/live-action where kick-ass yakuza heiress teacher Yamaguchi Kumiko a.k.a Yankumi learn delinquents about whats really important in life. And not to forget that the live-action is loaded with pretty bishounen 8)

The manga


Sawada Shin (Matsumoto Jun)

Pretty smile 8'D

The guys in season 2

Yabuki Hayatao (Akanishi Jin) and Odagiri Ryu (Kamenashi Kazuya)


Season 3

Yamaguchi Kumiko, Yankumi (Nakama Yukie)

Mweh, check it out!
