Not meant to be

Hello again. It's been awhile...

Aaaanyway, this is about how some things just ain't meant to be.

Like Sex and the city. I've seen a total of, maybe six episodes, but one episode three times, another two times and... no make it a total of five episodes.
-I'm not meant to watch Sex and the city.

And then we have Naruto. I've started to watch the series twice, and both times I never reached further then the fighting episodes on the bridge. Same with the manga, stopped to read when I reached the fight on the bridge.
-I'm not meant to be a narutard.

And now. I'm sitting in my parents living room, with some actual motivation to do my home assignments. But Nooooooo, the stupid word editor program chooses this moment to stop working. Nice!
-I'm not meant to do what I'm supposed to do...
