Pyjama party at Inga's

Yes, we're sitting in the same kitchen, by the same table. Getting drunk on orange juice. Life rocks sometimes :D




I'm going crazy here, just so you know.

And not the funny mad man crazyness, I mean breaking down!
Stuff of a year, into a suitcase and a bag! >:O



It has now come to the final countdown. All the tickets for our trip home has been bought, we just need to look up some hostels. There is 19 days until we leave Edinburgh, we needed to change the date from the 6th to the 7th because of ticket prizes on the Eurostar, and only 8 of these days are workdays. And still, the end can't come soon enough.

Although, everything isn't crappy.
Emzz, Anna and I went on a tour in Old Town today. 3 and a half hours of walking back and forth, but it was really nice! And on Saturday we're celebrating midsummer (yes I know it's on Friday but everyone is working then so we decided to do it on Saturday instead). It doesn't feel like middle of June though, maybe it's just me with my selective memory, or maybe that this is my first year without a speech day, but it doesn't really feels like summer... Oh well =)

The end is coming!

The end is near, and it is awaited! As I said to friend who asked if I was looking forward to get back home; I can see the light in the end of the tunnel, and I'm running as hell for it!

My year here has been good, really good. I've made so many new friends and I've had loads of wonderful experiences, as well as bad ones. But at the end of the day, I don't regret for a moment that I decided to come here.

But the end is near, and even though it feels sad to leave all the good friends and this lovely town behind, I'm starting to get fed up with my occupation. One year of taking care of someone else's snotty children. And today, the end was decided!

Emzz, Kristina and I have finally decided how our journey home through Europe will look like!
Edinburgh-London-Lille the first day. The second day we will go from Lille to Brussels through Turnai and then on to Frankfurt and Vienna were we will stay one or two nights with my fathers cousin Amrei. And then from Vienna to Budapest to Prag. The last stage of our journey will be Prag-Berlin-Hamburgh-Copenhagen-Malmö-H O M E!

There will be a lot of trains, and a lot of luggage but I think that we will have a wonderful time =)
But there is some preparations that still needs to be done.

*Book the trainpass
*Book the Eurostar-ticket
*Book the hostels
*Buy a new suitcase
*Buy some travelfriendley clothing; T-shirts, shorts, a cap, sandals...

But we're getting there :D

Yes, this is a Happy Happy moment -^.^-

And last Ceilidh tomorrow, my foot is WAY better so I can dance :D


Peace out ;D


Pain in the foot, Ceilidh on Friday (not gonna happen) and were is my phone charger?
I apologize for the rudeness but


Sorry, but that's how I feel right now.


Yes, I know. It's the beginning of June, spring is long gone. But the spring of love is here!

Now, before you jump to conclusions, no, I have not found anyone. It's not that good x')

But the guy at the post-office flirts with me whenever he sees me, same goes for the guy in the Costcutter-store up the street. And the Wolf-guy haven't been able to keep his finger in check.
