(Somebody stole my title)

So... Christmas and New Years over and I'm back in Scotland and my au-pair family (since one and a half week). I can tell you all that the children from hell before Christmas is no more. Let's just hope that they will stay good. *Peppar peppar ta i trä*

Anyway, x-mas home was lovely. It was really nice to see my family and friends again. Mum had missed me and my dog got so happy to see me that she wet the floor. Friends from high school threw a party and me and Johan invited ourself to Ulrikas' New Years party which meant a lot of people. She's 8 in her family, plus a whole lot of uncles and aunts and cousins. It was really nice!

Back here, the weather isn't as cold as I thought it would b, but still really cold :S Lucky me got three warm pyjamas for Christmas :D They are needed!

A short summary... Hope the readers I have will accept it XD I can tell you all that I've been really bad updating everything that I have, blogs, journals and I think it's my turn in every role-play thread I'm in x) So, time to be a good girl again xD

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