Den här bloggen har jag och min fantastiska grupp gjort i skolan =)

And so it begins!

OK, so, me and sis have just watched the first episode of the 7th season of Supernatural. And well, the reactions were quite similar to the reactions I had when I watched the last episode of the 6th season. Just this time instead of slamming my head into Nicki's shoulder, I was slamming the palms of my hands into Mickan's shoulder.

Uhu, it's that good. Honest.

And while I'm here. I'm going to try and keep this blogging thing up now. More exciting things things lies ahead, like a five week trip to India, followed by eight weeks in Cambodia and hopefully a week or two in Vietnam. All for school. Except for the Vietnam part. Quite different from the au-pair business, but very interesting nevertheless, I'm sure.

See you around!

Not meant to be

Hello again. It's been awhile...

Aaaanyway, this is about how some things just ain't meant to be.

Like Sex and the city. I've seen a total of, maybe six episodes, but one episode three times, another two times and... no make it a total of five episodes.
-I'm not meant to watch Sex and the city.

And then we have Naruto. I've started to watch the series twice, and both times I never reached further then the fighting episodes on the bridge. Same with the manga, stopped to read when I reached the fight on the bridge.
-I'm not meant to be a narutard.

And now. I'm sitting in my parents living room, with some actual motivation to do my home assignments. But Nooooooo, the stupid word editor program chooses this moment to stop working. Nice!
-I'm not meant to do what I'm supposed to do...


Family reunion 8)

This weekend I spent 4½ hours in a car going up north in our country to get to Valla, north of Katrineholm. Here lives one of my uncles, and he turned 40 yesterday. So the Klein clan got together to celebrate! Some people can't stand their family, but I must say that I really love mine. When we get together it's all cosy madness and it's nice to see that my craziness isn't completely uncalled for ^^

I haven't met many of my uncles and cousins for many years, so it was a really nice weekend!

And today I met "my" exchange student. That was also really nice! Her name is Yi Lin and she had invited Emzz and I for lunch, and we also met three of her Chinese friends. The food was awsome, Emzz and I showed of with our talents with chop sticks and then we had a good chat. We've got four new, really nice friends!

Time to get back to my S T U P I D paper, over and put!

III Advent

3rd of advent, Lucia.
And tomorrow I'm.....



II Advent

Ok, 2nd of advent was yesterday but hey, better late then never =)
I'm home in Vetlanda for a while, arrived on Wednesday and will go back to Växjö tomorrow. It's been really nice. Met Ulrika for the first time in a long time ^^

Bla bla bla... The schoolwork I was supposed to do has been postponed... Not so good x)


I Advent

Things is starting to settled for christmas. I cleaned parts of the flat yesterday, first christmaspresent is wrapped. A little bit of snow wouldnt be wrong. The christmas music is flowing out of the speakers.
I’m sitting here chattin to a guy who lives in Scotland. And_I_really_want_ to_get_back_ there. I miss walking up Northbridge in the dark. All the people on Waverleybridge. The preparations for the christmasmarket in Princesstreet gardens. Oldtown. I can still see everything so clear. And I really miss it. =( Next year, maybe I should go back there during one of the weeks in December... Yeah, that’s a good idea.