Family reunion 8)

This weekend I spent 4½ hours in a car going up north in our country to get to Valla, north of Katrineholm. Here lives one of my uncles, and he turned 40 yesterday. So the Klein clan got together to celebrate! Some people can't stand their family, but I must say that I really love mine. When we get together it's all cosy madness and it's nice to see that my craziness isn't completely uncalled for ^^

I haven't met many of my uncles and cousins for many years, so it was a really nice weekend!

And today I met "my" exchange student. That was also really nice! Her name is Yi Lin and she had invited Emzz and I for lunch, and we also met three of her Chinese friends. The food was awsome, Emzz and I showed of with our talents with chop sticks and then we had a good chat. We've got four new, really nice friends!

Time to get back to my S T U P I D paper, over and put!