What's the point?! Nothing matters if you're not beautiful!

Howl's mowing castle. Yup.

It's funny

And it's beautiful :)

See it 8P

Trust me, I'm an improviser

Don't I just love Torchwood? 8)

Jack; Will this really work?
Owen; Tust me, I'm an improviser.

So full of clichés that you can't do anything but love it 8')


Time to start to sleep alone again after ten nights of company =(

Don't get your hopes up, it's my sister who have gone home again after spending her midterm break here in Edinburgh with me. We've had a really good time. But now it's only me and my ghost left.

We were on a Ceilidh on Friday and my legs are still sore. I don't think the cold I've got is helping much either.

I would upload some pictures but I'm too lazy. I'll save it for next time...

Snow keeps fallin' on ma window...

It's snowing :D


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Ok, a thing that haven't happend for ages...
I have no role-playing threads to answer in! Seriosly! Yesterday night I pulled myself together and answered everywhere that I was supposed to answer and even created a new thread on a whim! In two ahours at 2 in the morning! Bad thing is, I have nothing to do today :O

Well well, more to do for another day!

Emzz is here now, we're putting togehter a tight scedule for my sister who comes to visit next week! Yay!